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Find a Roommate in Hegewisch, IL!
By choosing to have a roommate, you can dramatiacally save money on housing. Our Hegewisch roommate classifieds put you in touch with people who need to rent rooms, whether they're in a home, townhome, condo, or apartment. Looking for roommates can be difficult, but we make finding a roommate in Hegewisch simple at RoommateNation.

By placing a roommate wanted ad on our site you can reach a large number of Hegewisch people who want to save money with a room to rent.

Students who need a roommate can search for people with similar interests with our roommate website. You can find off campus housing near any school, college, or university by browsing the profiles in our database. Just do a search on your town or city and you'll find roommates looking to share rooms. If you need to move out of the on campus housing or if the dormitories feel too small, use our free search to find the college campus rental you need.

Free to List Your Hegewisch Room for Rent
If you have a house for rent, RoommateNation can help you rent your room and fill your vacancy. List a room for rent with RoommateNation and search our online roommate finder to contact possible tenants. With our service, you can easily rent out a room: Learn about a potential renter even before you meet them for an interview. This site also provides an excellent means for finding short term or corporate housing around Hegewisch. Arrangements for vacation rentals can be found here saving money over staying at a hotel or motel. RoommateNation can help to fill a vacant room without difficulty.

Post rooms for rent, view other profiles, and send messages to other Hegewisch roommates. Roommatenation is intended for people who are looking for roommates, and not for landlords that are not planning to share the housing they are offering. Please enjoy the use of We strive to bring a quality roommate matching product to you!
tonigrace   23 year old female field service engineer. I travel to clinic and hospital labs for work. I am a homeowner near Milwaukee and I am looking for a room for Monday-Thursday and some weekends when I am on-call. All I really need is room for my futon, a small desk, dresser and a place to cook. I will need a phoneline or internet connection to connect to my company to receive business emails with my laptop.
elissa814   I am a 24 year old woman and I just graduated from Penn State. I am moving to Chicago to start my "grown-up" life and wish to sign a lease Oct 1. I hope to find a female roommate who is familiar with Chicago and who is layed back and as fun as I am! I like to go out on weekends for a few drinks but I work hard during the week. I hope to find a roomie b/w the ages of 22-29, preferably a professional and not an undergrad student. I hope to find a place where my share of the rent is about $500-600
abbyluvsall   I'm openminded and easy going. I'm open to all kinds of experiences and would like to have a roommate who would also like to experience new things so that we could experience things together or seperately and then tell eachother about them. I'm looking for an openminded and responsible person who will be accepting of my free lifestyle.
LarryGrayUSA   South Holland Firefighter
Kakuna   nice condo, located in nice neighborhood.
deminkmp   Just graduated from Miami University and am starting my first job in Muncie. I like to keep common areas clean, but I sometimes slack on my own bedroom. I'm laid back and I like to joke around alot. Looking for a roommate who is also clean but laid back. I will be working alot so I probably will not be around much, however I will need to keep any partying kept to the weekends.
fcbruns   I'm looking for an apartment for myself and my family.
rthormann   Hi, Im a german student. i want a furnished room from october till april, I have a job in chicago in this time. The best roomates are students they like partys :-)
ATCforlife   I'm moving across the country to Indiana from Southern California and need to find a place. I'm very easy to get along with and love making people laugh. I enjoy my work and will be starting a new job in Indiana. I don't look for much, just somewhere to rest my head and a place for my cat as well (long story). thanks
jon86   hi, im jon.. im just looking for a place to stay by next spring. my p's are moving out of state, and i dont want to move. ill add more later