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Find a Roommate in Hiwassee, VA!
By choosing to have a roommate, you can dramatiacally save money on housing. Our Hiwassee roommate classifieds put you in touch with people who need to rent rooms, whether they're in a home, townhome, condo, or apartment. Looking for roommates can be difficult, but we make finding a roommate in Hiwassee simple at RoommateNation.

By placing a roommate wanted ad on our site you can reach a large number of Hiwassee people who want to save money with a room to rent.

Students who need a roommate can search for people with similar interests with our roommate website. You can find off campus housing near any school, college, or university by browsing the profiles in our database. Just do a search on your town or city and you'll find roommates looking to share rooms. If you need to move out of the on campus housing or if the dormitories feel too small, use our free search to find the college campus rental you need.

Free to List Your Hiwassee Room for Rent
If you have a house for rent, RoommateNation can help you rent your room and fill your vacancy. List a room for rent with RoommateNation and search our online roommate finder to contact possible tenants. With our service, you can easily rent out a room: Learn about a potential renter even before you meet them for an interview. This site also provides an excellent means for finding short term or corporate housing around Hiwassee. Arrangements for vacation rentals can be found here saving money over staying at a hotel or motel. RoommateNation can help to fill a vacant room without difficulty.

Post rooms for rent, view other profiles, and send messages to other Hiwassee roommates. Roommatenation is intended for people who are looking for roommates, and not for landlords that are not planning to share the housing they are offering. Please enjoy the use of We strive to bring a quality roommate matching product to you!
abad4nr   Weekend commuter working at Radford Arsenal, live 1.5 hours south. Will probably spend 4-5 days per week (weekdays only) for the most part.
kkestle   A group of laid back, fun girls! :o)
Tracie   i am looking for two girl roommates asap!!!!
mypetemu   looking for 2 rommates for 3 bedroom apt. Apt is actually bottom half of house, but top is empty. Rent is half price for June, so $130 for that month. Cats and caged animals welcome. Apt has stackable w/d hook-ups, and will have unit as soon as I can afford it. I only have coffee table, end tables, tv unit and dining set right now, so if you want to bring couches, etc, great. If not, I will furnish. Apt is 2 doors down from BTs and across the street from campus. GREAT location!
Sumitz   I am a female from Malaysia who will be studyin at the Honourable Society of King's Inn. I need to find a room at reasonable rates and housemates who do not mind me smoking in my room. Preferably all females but is not a must.
tccarda   I am friendly and outgoing and love going to parties on the weekends or weeknight for that matters. I have a boyfriend of 3 years that will be attending Tech in the Fall. So he will probably be staying over several times a week. I am a busy person and I like my privacy.
raerae38183   It is a first floor apartment on Downey St. right next to Radfords campus. We are 3 students looking for a fourth roommate from May 2007 to 2008. Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions
lucifel   I spend a lot of time to myself if I'm at home. If I'm not at home, I'm on campus either in class, a meeting or with friends.
misswindjamm   Email me at [email protected] if you are interested in having me as a roommate. I'm looking for an apartment. Nothing fancy just something basic that I can sleep, shower and eat in. I also need a roommate who is open to diversity and who is really laid back and not judgemental about anything. I am very open minded and I hate drama. No cats or dogs please, I have allergies. I AM ALSO DISABLED, so I need a roommate who is okay with that and who wants to start their life over also.
ashleyblake   I'm an easy going person who is very easy to get along with. I love... running, tanning, lounging by the pool, the beach, random road trips, big sunglasses, big hair, and summertime. I'm a student either going to Virginia Tech or Radford in the fall and I'm in desperate need of a roommate/roommates.