Find a Roommate in Melrose, PA!
By choosing to have a roommate, you can dramatiacally save money on housing.
Our Melrose roommate classifieds put you in touch with people who need to rent rooms, whether they're in a home,
townhome, condo, or apartment. Looking for roommates can be difficult, but we make finding a roommate in Melrose simple at RoommateNation.
By placing a roommate wanted ad on our site you can reach a large number of Melrose people who want to save money with a room to rent.
Students who need a roommate can search for people with similar interests with our roommate website. You can find off campus housing near any school, college, or university by browsing the profiles in our database. Just do a search on your town or city and you'll find roommates looking to share rooms.
If you need to move out of the on campus housing or if the dormitories feel too small, use our free search to find the college campus rental you need.
Free to List Your Melrose Room for Rent
If you have a house for rent, RoommateNation can help you rent your room and fill your vacancy.
List a room for rent with RoommateNation and search our online roommate finder to contact possible tenants.
With our service, you can easily rent out a room: Learn about a potential renter even before you meet them for an interview.
This site also provides an excellent means for finding short term or corporate housing around Melrose.
Arrangements for vacation rentals can be found here saving money over staying at a hotel or motel.
RoommateNation can help to fill a vacant room without difficulty.
Post rooms for rent, view other profiles, and send messages to other Melrose roommates.
Roommatenation is intended for people who are looking for roommates, and not for landlords that are not planning to share the housing they are offering.
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I'm a student (political science) just looking for a place to stay these next 6 months. I'm laid back, but respectful of common areas. Love to cook, and collaborate for house dinners. I'm a student (political science) just looking for a place to stay these next 6 months. I'm laid back, but respectful of common areas. Love to cook, and collaborate for house dinners.
'm 24 year old straight guy looking for a place to live.
I was born and raised in Kansas and moved to the east coast when I was 19 to attend Williams college. Now I spend my days working as an Artificial Intelligence researcher in King of Prussia and my nights as a master's student in the Villanova Computer Science department.
As far as music and film are concerned my tastes are for what I like to call "good" music and film.
I'm 24, I did the whole college thing, and I work with autistic children (I also have a part time job at a music promotion business). I'm laid back, and I like going out and having fun. I love music, especailly live, clubs, movies... I have two cats which will be going back to an old roommate at the end of the summer, but I need a roommate who will be okay with them. I have irregular hours, but am respectful of the 9-5 grind. I want to live with someone laid back, and easygoing.
Hi, my name is Abby. I'm 18 years old and am currently taking a year off between high school and college to "find myself", so to speak, and experience independence for the first time. I'm only looking to stay somewhere for a couple of months, but things might change if I fall in love with the place. Who knows. Anyways, though I couldn't tell you for certain, I am extremely easy-going and I'm sure that I'd make a great roommate! PS- I love animals, so if you have a pet that's a definite plus!
I´m gonna leave my contry, and I´ll try in PA, USA because I have some relatives and friends there. I´m gonna get legal as soon as I get there, or at least start the paper-legal work. I´m looking for a place in wich I can live, and get stable, I´m gonna search out for a Job in construction while i get my visa, then I´ll search for a place in a Workshop (Ford). And if the room is good, and I get good relations with the persons at the house I´ll stay here for a long time. Sorry the mistakes.
Looking for temporary accomodations for a couple of months. Husband, wife, child. Quiet couple with a cute child. In between jobs. Need a place to sleep with enough room to park two suitcases. One car.
I am an Assistant Professor at a local research lab, and need a weekday apartment to cut my commute from North Jersey. I am quiet, clean, and unless asked, pretty much keep to myself. Easy roommate for sure.
Hi. I am moving from Atlanta, GA for a professional job in the Northeastern part of the United States. I would like to live in a city in Pennsylvania that has an airport. In explanation, I need to be close to an airport because my job requires me to fly to different cities. I request an easy-get-to-get-along-with person that is nice and responsible. Everything else is your own business. We can work out little details like price, sharing, privacy, etc. Kindest regards.
I'm a music engineer student from harlem. i moved to chicago with my mom and i hate it plus i'm starting school in the fall so i'm looking for a nice size room for me and my girlfriend...we're not the fussy type...LOL but anyway, i'm cool, laid back, like to laugh, a down to earth person. i have a few grand from income tax to pay a few months rent in advance just to geive me time to get my old job back or get a new one. so money is not a problem. so if you can help out then that will be great.
right now , i'm just looking for a place thats reasonable. i make a little over min wage at a part time job. going fulltime in 60 days. i have very few expenses and can certainly keep to myself if thats requested. i'm very open minded...ive seen it all , so i dont care about sex or sexuality. no biggie~no concerns. idealy, i'd like a place to hook up a computer. perhaps with high speed internet. if not, i can certainly pay for the dogs, alergic to cats, but dont mind them.
3 BR Townhouse in Art Museum Area. Washer\Dryer, High speed internet, Cable TV. Close to Buses and trains. Very convenient safe neighborhood. Share full use of house. Room can be provided furnished or unfurnished.