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Find a Roommate in Worth, NY!
By choosing to have a roommate, you can dramatiacally save money on housing. Our Worth roommate classifieds put you in touch with people who need to rent rooms, whether they're in a home, townhome, condo, or apartment. Looking for roommates can be difficult, but we make finding a roommate in Worth simple at RoommateNation.

By placing a roommate wanted ad on our site you can reach a large number of Worth people who want to save money with a room to rent.

Students who need a roommate can search for people with similar interests with our roommate website. You can find off campus housing near any school, college, or university by browsing the profiles in our database. Just do a search on your town or city and you'll find roommates looking to share rooms. If you need to move out of the on campus housing or if the dormitories feel too small, use our free search to find the college campus rental you need.

Free to List Your Worth Room for Rent
If you have a house for rent, RoommateNation can help you rent your room and fill your vacancy. List a room for rent with RoommateNation and search our online roommate finder to contact possible tenants. With our service, you can easily rent out a room: Learn about a potential renter even before you meet them for an interview. This site also provides an excellent means for finding short term or corporate housing around Worth. Arrangements for vacation rentals can be found here saving money over staying at a hotel or motel. RoommateNation can help to fill a vacant room without difficulty.

Post rooms for rent, view other profiles, and send messages to other Worth roommates. Roommatenation is intended for people who are looking for roommates, and not for landlords that are not planning to share the housing they are offering. Please enjoy the use of We strive to bring a quality roommate matching product to you!
NYGirl   Im not exactly how big the apartment is but its big enough for sure for 2 people. Despite their being 3 bedrooms I only want 1 roommate. I like having extra room for storage and my computer and of course my pets. The apartment has a large living room,a dining room,large kitchen,full bathroom with a tub and there is a washer and dryer in the basement for laundry. Any questions? Feel free to email me at [email protected]
hieuhm   I am looking for a room for 12-15 weeks in Watertown, I got an internship at the Tug Hill Commission at the Dulles State Office Bdlg. I am a SUNY Albany graduate student in Geography/GIS. I am quite, clean, friendly. I love to make friends with new people and enjoy travelling to improve my understanding about the world and people around us.
rohlo87   looking for a summer room, my boyfriend is in the army and stationed at fort drum and i want to be close to him before he leaves for afghanistan
ltedwards13   Beautiful home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, indoor hot tub, full attick with full basement. Wine cellar, large kitchen, beautiful wood work, patio with fenced in back yard. One car garage. If you are interested give my cell phone a call at 315 286 8452, or email me at mattpedwards at hotmail.
Varlia   Hey Im student from Lithuania coming to continue my studies in Copenhagen and Im looking for room-mate in 2010 studies :) what can I say about my self ! I can live with everyone but just of normal rent prise :) soooo !! :) i look forward to hear from you :)
jassi   Looking for a female to rent a 2nd floor furnished bedroom or another bedroom without furnitureMy home is located between Thompson Park, Samaritan Hospital, Watertown High School and Knickerbocker Elementary.Free wifi in every room of the house. Free snow removal and lawn mowing, shared 1.5 bath and big backyard, full kitchen and washer/dryer free of charge-no utility bills.Seeking a mature, very clean, responsible non-smoker without pets that is social and agreeable.I do have a cat
jessszh   someone easy to get along with, mail or female it doesn't matter to me. I am neat and organized. I work about 50 hours a week.
kergo14   I am wanting to go to Jefferson Community college next year and am looking for as cheap of rent as i can with utilities included. I am quite and keep to myself. I love sports and animals.
dancingdiva   Im 19 highschool graduate 09 I am looking for a job I really dont have a place to stay and I really would appreciate someones help I will help do chores and stuff until I get a job. email me [email protected] or text 315 523 5973
edothemedo13   I will be returning to the Watertown area on or about the 1st of November and I am trying to lock in a place before I arrive. I travel to Boston nearly every weekend, so I am actually only around 4 days a week - sometimes less. I have no pets, and no kids.