
batty6uk : 29 yr old Male

anything really i wound like some one who likes anime/manga and games or some one who would keep to them self

Occupationnot working
Friends OverRarely
Overnight GuestsNever
SleepNo Noise Concerns
Wake up1pm-3pm
Smoking Non-Smoker
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageEvery Night

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Cooking, Listening to Music, Playing Musical Instrument, Skating, Video Games

City of Interest
Bolton, CT
Bolton, MA
Bolton, MS
Bolton, NC
Bolton, VA
Bolton, VT
Bolton Landing, NY
Bolton Valley, VT
Manchester, CA
Manchester, CT
Manchester, GA
Manchester, IA
Manchester, IL
Manchester, KS
Manchester, KY
Manchester, MA
Manchester, MD
Manchester, ME
Manchester, MI
Manchester, MN
Manchester, NH
Manchester, NJ
Manchester, NY
Manchester, OH
Manchester, OK
Manchester, PA
Manchester, SD
Manchester, TN
Manchester, VT
Manchester, WI
Manchester by the Sea, MA
Manchester Center, VT
Manchester Rancheria, CA
Manchester Township, NJ
Manchester Village, VT

Monthly Rent