
bcchaos : 18 yr old Female

I just want a place where i can hopefully keep my lump of a rottie, if not that is fine too.. I don't mind guys, in fact i get along better with guys, or more tomboyish chicks. I'm rather reclusive, i'm usually out or playing on my computer. I'm one of those, nerdy chicks who would rather discuss games and tech stuff than talk about my nails.. If i was to move in with anyone you wouldn't see or hear from me unless i'm feeling social, which is time to time, i don't mind hanging out on occasion.

Occupationstaples and student.
Friends OverRarely
Overnight GuestsNever
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up7am-9am
Smoking Non-Smoker
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageNever

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Shopping, Cars, Camping, Computers, Gym, Listening to Music, Swimming, Video Games

City of Interest
Enid, OK

Monthly Rent