
capricorn09 : 21 yr old Female

I'm a full time college student looking for a roomate to start looking for my very first apartment. I was thinking of an income based apartment that includes utilities. I love Harry Potter, Twilight, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Teen Mom 1 & 2, and Jersey Shore. I like to sing and dance and just have fun. I'm very very shy and laid back.

OccupationCrew Member at McDonald's
Friends OverWeekends Only
Overnight GuestsRarely
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up11am-1pm
Smoking Non-Smoker
CleanlinessKind of Messy
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageFew Shows a Week

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Reading, Shopping, Bowling, Camping, Clubs/Bars, Cooking, Dancing, Listening to Music, Skating, Swimming, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
Zanesville, OH

Monthly Rent