
findinglouis : 48 yr old Male

I'm Gay and work for Amazon. I'm looking to move away from my soon to be ex husband. I'm lean run and keep to myself. I'm down for having friends over. I work 6 days a week. In my free time I love the outdoors and spending time making new friends. I'm a giver always helping out. If something needs to get done just give me a list. I'm very kind and caring and make a good friend. I have never paid a bill late and my credit is high 750's. I don't having a problem doing my share of the work around t

Friends OverWeeknights
Overnight GuestsWeekly
SleepNo Noise Concerns
Wake up5am-7am
Smoking Non-Smoker
TV UsageRarely


Sewing, Reading, Shopping, Cars, Biking, Bowling, Camping, Clubs/Bars, Computers, Cooking, Fishing, Gardening, Gym, Hiking, Listening to Music, Photography, Skating, Swimming, Theater, Traveling, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
Carpentersville, IL

Monthly Rent