
johnmccann : 23 yr old Male

just got out of the army, now going to school at butler tech in hamilton ohio starting january 23rd. have money, but getting a part time job up there to go along with school until june when school is complete. looking for a room to rent for 5 to 6 months, i completely respect any house rules that may be enforced. rare clubber, and i am a fairly quiet person, just looking for any roomie options b4 i commit to my own apartment. my email is [email protected]

Occupationex army now school&parttime
Friends OverRarely
Overnight GuestsNever
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up5am-7am
Smoking Outdoors Only
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageFew Shows a Week

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Watching Sports, Reading, Cars, Bowling, Computers, Fishing, Listening to Music, Swimming, Traveling, Video Games

City of Interest
Fairfield, OH
Hamilton, OH

Monthly Rent