
KatieDave : 22 yr old Female

My boyfriend (Dave) and I are both students at the Rochester Insititure of Technology in NY. We are friendly, mature students who are clean and pretty low key. We like to go out to the bars, ect on the weekends but mostly stay in durring the work week. We are always looking to meet new people to hang out with. We are looking for a place to stay for the summer only, furnished would be nice, however we have furniture we can move if necessary.

OccupationStudents on Co-Op
Friends OverWeekends Only
Overnight GuestsRarely
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up7am-9am
Smoking Non-Smoker
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageFew Shows a Week

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Reading, Camping, Computers, Cooking, Golf, Listening to Music, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
York, PA

Monthly Rent