
maggieb : 19 yr old Female

I will be moving out of my home for the first time. I'm just looking for something that I can afford and still have a little money left to play with at the end of the week. I am also looking for something with space and that I can have pets in ... Utilities included, and a shorter lease in case things do not work out. I would really like to either live alone or live with my boyfriend but it worse comes to worse a roommate would not be so bad as long as we have things in common.

Occupationfull time retail/sales girl
Friends OverRarely
Overnight GuestsDaily
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up9am-11am
Smoking Non-Smoker
CleanlinessSome Clutter
TV UsageEvery Night

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Watching Sports, Reading, Shopping, Basketball, Camping, Clubs/Bars, Computers, Cooking, Dancing, Fishing, Gym, Hiking, Listening to Music, Playing Musical Instrument, Photography, Racquetball, Skating, Surfing, Swimming, Traveling, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
Alliance, OH
Atwater, OH
Minerva, OH
Salem, OH
Sebring, OH

Monthly Rent