
matucker04 : 19 yr old Male

Im good looking and fun. I dont like dungeons and dragons, nor do I care about "what not to wear" have a steady job that dosen't pay alot but I dont spend alot either. my working hours will be from eight thirty to four thirty weekdays but I need to be available for my job 24/7 in case of a catostraphic emergency. okay thats all oh yeah you should call me my phone number is 4016998274 my email is [email protected] okay really thats all. be good I love you! yours for peace in our time M

Occupationdisaster relief coordinator
Friends OverWeeknights
Overnight GuestsRarely
SleepNo Noise Concerns
Wake up7am-9am
Smoking Outdoors Only
CleanlinessKind of Messy
TV UsageFew Shows a Week

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Watching Sports, Reading, Cars, Basketball, Biking, Camping, Community Service, Gardening, Hiking, Swimming, Traveling, Video Games, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
Kent, OH

Monthly Rent