SafetyMangr : 26 yr old Male
I'm 28, have two great jobs, a leased car with full coverage insurance, and I'm a pretty cool person to chill with.
| OSHA Trainer |
| Rarely |
| Never |
| Some Noise is OK |
| 9pm-11pm |
| 5am-7am |
| Non-Smoker |
| Never |
| Never |
| Spotless |
| Cat, Dog, Other |
| Never |
Watching Sports, Reading, Shopping, Cars, Basketball, Biking, Bowling, Camping, Clubs/Bars, Community Service, Computers, Cooking, Dancing, Fishing, Gardening, Golf, Gym, Hiking, Listening to Music, Racquetball, Snow Skiing, Snowboarding, Tennis, Theater, Traveling, Video Games, Watching TV/Movies
Aztec, NM
Cedar Hill, NM
Farmington, NM