49 year old, separated (pending divorce), 6', 190lb, med build, Professional, travel during week (9-12 days/month), require area for office desk & printer stand, need internet/cable, looking for minimum 6 month place, tend to be liberal, no prejudices, Lutheran but not openly religious, excellent health (going on 50 but look, act, and feel more like 40), roomate(s) sex nor sexual preference does not matter, clean and neat, mostly quiet but enjoy parties/cookouts, honest, have limitd furnishng
City of Interest
Alexandria, VA Annandale, VA Belle Haven, VA Belleview, VA Burke, VA Cameron Station, VA Community, VA Dale City, VA Dumfries, VA Engleside, VA Franconia, VA George Washington, VA Jefferson Manor, VA Kingstowne, VA Lake Ridge, VA Lincoln, VA Lorton, VA Mason Neck, VA Montclair, VA Mount Vernon, VA North Springfield, VA Occoquan, VA Potomac, VA Prince William, VA Purcellville, VA Rose Hill, VA Springfield, VA West Springfield, VA Woodbridge, VA