
spautz : 24 yr old Male

Starting in August, I'll be a grad student in the HCI program at Iowa State. I'm generally pretty quiet and unobtrusive, and I generally clean up my own messes. I tend to be somewhat cluttered in my personal areas, but I like keep public spaces relatively clean.

I'm looking for somewhere where I can meet people and have some form of social life, but where things are quiet at night and during finals week. I like having my own space, but I'm willing to share a room if necessary.

OccupationGrad Student
Friends OverWeekends Only
Overnight GuestsRarely
SleepSome Noise is OK
Wake up9am-11am
Smoking Non-Smoker
CleanlinessSome Clutter
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageRarely

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Reading, Computers, Cooking, Hiking, Listening to Music, Video Games

City of Interest
Clemson, SC

Monthly Rent