StGarcia : 25 yr old Male
1 male and female
Monthly income is $1400+
Looking for a room or studio
We don't smoke and we don't have pets
We don't pay late.
| Chef |
| Weekends Only |
| Rarely |
| Some Noise is OK |
| 11pm-1am |
| 11am-1pm |
| Non-Smoker |
| Weekly |
| Rarely |
| Some Clutter |
| None |
| Never |
(click thumbnails to enlarge)
Cars, Basketball, Bowling, Camping, Computers, Cooking, Dancing, Fishing, Gardening, Gym, Listening to Music, Playing Musical Instrument, Surfing, Swimming, Theater, Video Games, Watching TV/Movies
Hobbs, NM
Oil Center, NM