
tanyahrk : 28 yr old Female

Hi! I’m looking for a great place to call home and a wonderful roommate/landlord to be compatible with to make this happen! I am a quiet person with a wonderful sense of humor and a heart of gold. I work very hard for my money just like you so I know the true value of a dollar and will respect you and your belongings. I am not a wasteful person at all. I don’t leave lights, TV, or water on. I clean, dust, do dishes, vacuum, cook meals sometimes, clean windows, clean the bathrooms.INeed2typeMore!

OccupationTarget - Team Leader
Friends OverRarely
Overnight GuestsNever
SleepAbsolute Quiet Please
Wake up5am-7am
Smoking Non-Smoker
PetsCat, Dog, Other
TV UsageEvery Night

(click thumbnails to enlarge)

Cars, Cooking, Listening to Music, Watching TV/Movies

City of Interest
Chantilly, VA
South Riding, VA

Monthly Rent